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Present at FURC 2023

FURC 2023 February 17-18 _STU in Miami.png

To apply to present your research or creative scholarship at the 2023 Florida Undergraduate Research Conference using the link below. In order to present at FURC 2023, you must have completed an undergraduate research or creative scholarship project, with the guidance of a faculty member, while at a college or university located in Florida. You must be either 1) still enrolled as an undergraduate in February 2023 or 2) a recent graduate who is not yet enrolled in graduate school as of February 2023. 

1. Submitting Your Abstract

Create Your Oxford Abstracts Account:

Click on the button below and create your account using your official university email address. This portal will be where you submit your abstract and, if needed, edit or resubmit your abstract. 

Write & Review Your Abstract:

Abstracts, summaries, and creative statements may be up to 250 words in length. Once you write your abstract, summary, or creative statement, take time to review it and ensure that your co-authors and faculty member are able to review it and provide comments. We also recommend making use of your institution's Writing Center, if possible. Make sure to start in a document, and not on the application form.

Collect Co-Author Information:

Before submitting your abstract, make sure to preview the application and collect the information you will need from any undergraduate co-authors. Student presenters may be listed as the primary author on one application and can be listed as supporting authors one one or more.

*Graduate students, post-docs, and faculty should not be submitted as authors on your application. You may add them as authors on your poster. 

Review Timeline:

October 1 - Submissions opened

December 17 - Submissions closed

January 17 - Revise and re-submit deadline

January 21 - Final decisions out to authors

January 26 - Final day to register (always check with your campus's Undergraduate Research support office/unit to see if they are supporting registration fees before registering yourself; additional funding scholarships may be made available by FURA)

*Applicants who submit before the final deadline will receive a decision early, on a rolling basis beginning in November.

2. Preparing Your Poster

Creating the Poster:

Students must create and print their own poster in advance of the conference. Posters should be 4x3 in size and printed on paper, vinyl, or fabric. It is highly recommended that all posters at FURC are printed through a digital poster printer. These are often available on campuses, please talk to your faculty mentor about options.  

Poster Sections to Consider:

  • Title, author(s), and institutional affiliations

  • Introduction/Background

  • Methods

  • Results

  • Discussion

  • Conclusion

  • References and/or acknowledgments

  • Graphics, tables, and charts (may be utilized throughout the poster for clarity)​

Academic Poster Resources:

  • Click here to learn how to make an academic poster (Endinburgh Napier University)

  • Click here to learn about the elements of a successful poster (Dr. Colin Purrington)

  • Click here for poster design tips (University of Buffalo)

**Though graduate students, post-docs, and faculty mentors are not permitted to be listed as co-authors on your initial abstract submission, they may be listed as co-authors on the poster itself. List all authors in the order they contributed to the project.


Presenting at FURC:

Please do NOT bring posters with you to the Reception. Posters must be brought with the presenter the morning of Saturday, February 18th, 2023, for poster check-in. Poster check-in is to operate from 8:00-9:00 a.m. and will be located in the front of the Gus Machado College of Business. Please follow signage or ask the registration desk for directions. Prior to student presenters’ assigned session, they may check out their poster from the same location for set-up. Magnets will be provided to hang posters on the whiteboard displays set up in the room during the poster sessions.


student presentations since FURC began

Florida Undergraduate Research Association (FURA)
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