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Florida Undergraduate Research Journal

Online ISSN: 2831-8153
Print ISSN: 2831-8145


A journal devoted to the publication of undergraduate research

Journal Overview 

Each year more students are engaging in research. Sometimes this is with their faculty; sometimes it is independent of their faculty mentor. Students, however, are often limited to publishing their work in their university student research journal. The Florida Undergraduate Research Journal (FURJ) is a new publication opportunity for students to share their work with others beyond their campus journals. Student-authors will receive constructive feedback and comments at each stage of the process to foster their research and writing skills as submissions will undergo a tiered review process that assesses the focus of the question, the content, the methodology, and the audience; followed then by a review of the content by those dedicated and committed to high-quality student research.

Publication of your research in a professional journal is a great experience and will help your resume!

2024 Draft FURJ Cover.png
Plant Biologist

Aims and Scope

The Florida Undergraduate Research Journal is dedicated to publishing outstanding undergraduate research across all disciplines - all are welcome to submit! 

Engineering Class

For Authors

The Review Process 

Submissions to the Florida Undergraduate Research Journal will undergo a tiered review process.

Upon submission, the Executive Editor and Editorial Assistant will provide an initial review of the manuscript using the FURJ Rubric. Once a submission proves that it fits within the scope of the journal, the Editorial Board will assess the submission based on the eleven criteria outlined in the FURJ Rubric. If the submission needs revision at either of these phases, the student-author will receive detailed comments with an invitation to revise and resubmit.

If the submission is appropriate for disciplinary review, the Executive Editor and Editorial Board, in conjunction with the FURA Board, will identify a reviewer known for their commitment to high-quality student research. The reviewer will provide disciplinary-specific comments along side the Editorial Board's comments to maximize feedback to the student-author in a clear and supportive fashion.

Once student-authors complete each tier of review and the necessary revisions, their submissions are accepted for publication in February.

Accepted Articles 

Upon acceptance, student-authors will sign an Author Agreement allowing their work to be published in the Florida Undergraduate Research Journal. Student-authors will retain the right to publish or share the work elsewhere, in a modified form, providing that they acknowledge its original publication in the Florida Undergraduate Research Journal.


The Florida Undergraduate Research Journal will be published annually in February. Each essay will be assigned a DOI when the revision process is completed. Student-authors may submit essays from any discipline and at any point in time. Student-authors may submit their essay for publication up to one year after graduation to offer time for revision of work completed in the last semester.

Submission Criteria

FURJ only accepts essays of original research from undergraduate students enrolled full-time in a Florida institution of higher education.

Essays from all disciplines are welcome.

FURJ accepts essays on a rolling basis. Though the journal is printed annually, an essay will be assigned a DOI and be posted on the website when the revision process is completed. We understand that DOIs are important for graduate schools and employers.

Essays must be submitted with verification signed by faculty mentor / instructor confirming s/he has reviewed the submission for structure, content, and language.

Essays should be no more than 8000 words with notes.

Essays should be formatted with 1" margins, Times New Roman, 12pt. font, double spaced.

Essays should use the citation style relevant to that discipline.

Graphs, charts, and figures should be labelled according to the citation style of your discipline.

Essays can be submitted either as a Word or Pdf document with each line numbered. Insert the line numbers in the Word document before converting the file to a pdf. To do this in Word go to Layout – Page Setup – Line Numbers.

Essays should be completely redacted of all author identifiers when submitted. Essays should not include the names of the author(s), faculty mentor, or school.

Vol. 4 (2025) Editorial Board

Gustavo Hernandez, Editorial Assistant – Florida Gulf Coast University

Maddie Enman - Eckerd College

Quy Nguyen - Florida State University

Jane-Kathryn Whittington - Florida State University

Gisela Alvizures - Florida State University

Ann-Adley Claveus - St. Thomas University

Carrigan Raketic - University of Central Florida

Tala Alqadi – University of Florida

Isabelle Gerzenshtein - University of Florida

Vol. 3 (2024) Editorial Board

Julia Hammond, Editorial Assistant – Florida Gulf Coast University
Kelly Canaday, Project Manager – Florida Gulf Coast University
Mathew Anthony Reyes, Editorial Assistant (Emeritus) – Florida Gulf Coast University

Karam Abilmouna - Florida International University
Danny Alice - Florida Atlantic University
Tanner Bomstad - University of Tampa 
Maria Gonzalez - University of Central Florida 
Sydney Gross
- Florida State University
Nancy Strever - Eckerd College

Vol. 2 (2023) Editorial Board

Emmaline Blikstad, Editorial Assistant - Florida Gulf Coast University

Danny Alice - Florida Atlantic University

Damian Hernandez - Florida Gulf Coast University

Angela Huang - South Florida State College

Paula Koppel - Florida International University 

Jessica MoorefieldFlorida State University

Kieran Stenson - Florida State University

Eve Vazquez - University of Central Florida

Vol. 1 (2022) Editorial Board

Emmaline Blikstad, Editorial Assistant - Florida Gulf Coast University 

Anastasia Gregory - New College of Florida 

Camila Garcia - Florida Gulf Coast University

Jaia HendricksonFlorida State University

Paula Koppel - Florida International University  

Jessica MoorefieldFlorida State University

Elizabeth Saint - Florida State University 

Faith Sauber - University of Central Florida  

Rabeea Summer - University of Central Florida

Eve Vazquez - University of Central Florida

Study Group

Editorial Board

Becoming a member of Editorial Board for the Florida Undergraduate Research Journal will allow you to participate in mentorship and professionalization opportunities. The leadership experience of serving on a journal's editorial board looks great on a CV when you apply for graduate school or on a resume when you apply for jobs after graduation.

Students from any Florida school (2-year or 4-year) are welcome to join!

The Editorial Board will:

  • Participate in monthly board meetings on Zoom.
  • Review submissions to see if they are appropriate for disciplinary review.

  • Provide feedback on submissions to aid author's revisions.

  • Create an image for the volume's cover.

The application portal for Volume 5 (2026) is now open!

Editorial Board Spotlight

In this short video, former Editorial Board member Faith Sauber describes some of the work she has done with the Florida Undergraduate Research Journal.
(Courtesy of UCF Burnett Honors College)

Faculty Reviewer Sign-up


The Florida Undergraduate Research Journal (FURJ) invites full and part-time faculty, PhD Candidates, and PhD Students to volunteer as disciplinary reviewers of student submissions. Establishing and maintaining a professional-quality output of student research is one of the key purposes of the FURJ, and one that encourages faculty to lend their expertise. Conforming to scholarly practice, FURJ is a double-blind peer-reviewed publication.



For questions and comments, please email us at:


For more information regarding FURJ please email the Executive Editor, Dr. Melodie Eichbauer, at:

Florida Undergraduate Research Association (FURA)
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©2021 by Florida Undergraduate Research Association

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